Who doesn’t love a break from the day and a chance to head out to play? Whether you are a swing person, up for a game of kickball, looking to run the court with the basketball, or just taking a stroll, chances are you can conjure up memories of things you used to do out in the fresh air on the playground. And just like the days when you would head out to play, your children also need space to move their bodies and a handful of friends to get the games going-that’s where Homeschool Recess comes into play!
Homeschool Recess Leavenworth County is a community of families who gather in person to create a space for free play for homeschool families. Homeschool Recess began serving the Leavenworth County Kansas area in August of 2020 and was the first organized homeschool free play group that was open to the full homeschool community. Since its start it has provided a space for connection for homeschool families in the cities of Leavenworth, Lansing, Basehor, Tonganoxie, and Bonner Springs. Highlighting the amenities of local parks and trails, Recess is hosted every Friday, free of charge and free of commitment. Locations move throughout the county, making it easy to join in and foster connections to neighbors and the physical spaces we are living and learning in. Recess hosts are present to greet families and make people feel welcome, ensuring you will always meet someone at the park. Are you ready to join in on the fun? We have easy options to suit your needs! You can join in on the conversation and find a full list of events on Facebook at Homeschool Recess Leavenworth County or you can participate off of social media by heading over to our Recess page and signing up for the email list. We can’t wait to see you at the park!
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